5 Tips for Renewed Health!

You might enjoy some of these healthy changes—and challenges—for a more energetic and beautiful you!

We have all heard many tips and tricks to healthier bodies and clear minds. So let’s focus on just five things that we can easily do to jumpstart our bodies and minds— for more vitality and health.

1. Water: Drink at least half your body weight in ounces and add lemon to at least one glass in the morning. Then sprinkle in some Himalayan pink or real salt with minerals in a glass in the afternoon—up to 1/4 tsp. And keep on hydrating throughout the day!

2. Journal: Writing words on paper has been shown to help in a variety of ways for more grounding and clarity. We like to add flourishes and splashes of color when we journal. 🙂 As you continue the practice, you’ll find you look forward to working out some of your difficulties, just by writing about them. Your journal can easily become your second best friend. Enjoy!

3. Meditate: Meditating and thinking grateful thoughts for a few minutes in the morning has been shown to get our day off to a great start. Then, if we finish the day with a short meditation, it allows our bodies and minds to rest throughout the night. Stretching gently in bed also encourages a satisfying night’s rest. There are many good quick meditations online. Here’s one that is very simple and rewarding.

4. Move: What’s your favorite way to move your booty—and your body? We’ve tried weighted hula hoops with varying degrees of success, some of us like to ski or sled this time of year, and others like to roll back the carpet and put on some invigorating music! Others like to grab walking sticks and head to the nearest park with a few friends and their children. However, you like to move and groove is great! Just have fun, make it consistent and you’re well on your way to a healthier body— and a clear mind!

5. Eat clean: This is probably the hardest one for some of us. However, we all know that white sugar, white flour, and processed foods are not good for us. So if we can start the day with a veggie and fruit shake, adding some flaxseed meal or Chia seeds or even protein powder, we set ourselves up for a successful day. Continuing with lots of water throughout the day, along with the adequate amount of proteins and healthy carbs, we will keep ourselves fueled and satisfied. Prepping energizing snacks ahead of time is also a good practice to avoid unhealthy snacking. Warm soups with lots of veggies are perfect for this time of year.

Next blog: Some exciting new products from A Belle Vi for your ultimate health!



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