Soup’s On! . . . it’s Medicine in a cup

Are you the soup carrier in your tribe, or are you the one receiving the soup?

Did you know that there are women (and possibly men) loosely called “soup carriers” who have been self-designated makers and bringers of soup through the ages? These people have always been evident in many different societies, bringing food to those in need.

Chicken soup – medicine in a cup!

I am a soup carrier. I love chopping the vegetables, adding spices, stirring the soup and bringing it to those who may need some extra love and care. Are you also a soup carrier? Or do you love having someone drop by and visit, bringing their “soup” with them? It doesn’t actually have to even be soup—just someone stopping in to say hello and to pass the time with you.

In these “blah” drippy days of winter, many of us start singing the blues—we’re feeling a little down. Might I suggest you find someone to do “soup” with? Either make or bring something to a friend and have a little visit. We all could use a kind word, some encouragement and maybe a good laugh right about now.


Today, my soup is chicken, vegetables and rice. I added some salt and pepper, onions, garlic and “better than bouillon” chicken flavoring—it’s really good in chicken pot pie, so I’m hoping for the best! I used wild rice with celery, carrots and green beans. It’s simmering on the stove and is starting to smell amazing! One of the things I like about soup is its hearty healthy content. I feel good and my belly feels good when I eat soup or stew.


What’s your favorite? What do you especially like to add to your soup for a bit of pizazz? Our resident Master Herbalist Kathryn says adding bay leaves perks up the taste in everything! (You don’t eat the leaves, just leave them in for flavor and it has tons of medicinal properties such as being a good blood sugar regulator.) The health content and flavor-enhancing benefits are phenomenal. Parsley tastes good and is a great diuretic, Thyme adds good flavor and is good for colds, oregano is a powerhouse antimicrobial. You don’t need a lot of thyme and oregano. Sage is another great addition and it brightens your mood! The herbs should be added at the end, so they don’t boil for long.

After Kathryn’s advice, I added a few more herbs to my bubbling soup and now my house smells even more amazing!

I also just slid some easy-peasy rolls into the oven. They are excellent warm and dripping with some soul-satisfying butter! These rolls use just one bowl, one 9×13 pan for cooking and take one hour. I cook mine a bit longer. Sometimes I add an egg or two and sweet potatoes or pumpkin – just for some added color and “health” benefit.


Well, get your soup on, friends! Enjoy the process, embrace the day and have fun with whatever you decide to do with your soup—and your visiting!

Your soup will be appreciated on this chilly winter day!




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