Wednesday Workshop: Growth & Fun!

watercolor hearts

Hello A Belle Vi Friends!

So how have you been faring during this gorgeous weather we’ve been having!? I hope you’ve been loving it and trying some new things— inside and outside. 🙂

We’ve been doing exciting and brain-building activities at the A Belle Vi energy classes that are held on Wednesdays at two different times – 930am and 3pm…(the 3pm class is cancelled this week). We are having tons of FUN! . . . you can sign up on the website,

simple color therapy wheel

Cheri leads us in a topic of the day, using a creative spin. Last Wednesday we talked about finances and did some color therapy. As always, class was engaging and energetic! The discussions are therapeutic and lively. Then we all got to choose our intuitive color for the week, that we have since been applying to our life situations. Cheri explained the meanings of the colors and how we can apply them in our lives- all with a twist of dealing with finances weaved in.

The flowers shown are just a few simple brushstrokes, then whimsical green petals and stems were added. We inked an outline when the paint was dry. EEK! Aren’t they sweet and professional looking?

Come join us! You won’t be disappointed.

watercolor whimsical cards with ink outlines

While we are taking the classes in the Milkhouse, we get to peruse any new products and stock up on the good old faithfuls. What products do you love? I can’t get enough of the new essential oil roller sticks and Digest! So wonderful.

Oh, and did I mention, Cheri and Alex always whip up a scrumptious lunch and mouthwatering coffee for class? Just yum!

Enjoy the sunny days, friends. They pass quickly :). And if you can’t make it to class, grab some brushes or crayons, paper or wood, round up your kiddos and create some fantastic art together!

It’s a beautiful life!



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